Let me introduce myself

I’m a passionate Software Engineer focused on continuous improvement. With a specialization in Native Android Development, I graduated in July 2024 and am dedicated to mastering both mobile front-end and back-end technologies. I’m always eager to learn and innovate.


Wroclaw University of Applied Informatics

Bachelor of Engineer in Computer Science

Sep 2021 - Jun 2024 / Wroclaw, Poland

GPA : 4.5 / 5.0


  • OOP
  • Algorithms & Data Structures
  • Software Architecture
  • Android Development
  • Web Design
  • AI / Neural Networks

Transferred from PWR (Politechnika Wrocławska) due to pandemic-related circumstances. Completed the first two years of coursework at PWR.


  • Technical Skills
    • Kotlin
    • Java
    • SQL
    • Firebase
    • Jetpack Compose
    • XML
    • Retrofit
    • Coroutines
    • Hilt - DPI
    • MVVM - MVI
  • Tech Tools
    • Android Studio
    • VSCode
    • Figma
    • Github
  • Soft Skills
    • Teamwork
    • Critical Thinking
    • Problem Solving
    • Communication
    • Improves based on feedback
  • Certificates
    • The Complete Android 14 & Kotlin Development Masterclass
      Tutor: Denis Pantuja
    • CISCO - CCNA 1-2

My Projects

As a computer science student, over 3.5 years of education, I have undertaken projects to gain exposure to various facets of computer science. Additionally, I've engaged in several tutorials to further expand my knowledge and skills in the field.

AI Kitchen - Thesis Application

AI Kitchen is an Android application that helps the users to create AI powered recipes and to have users kitchen notebook always with them.

The Love Foundation Android App - Volunteer Work

Designed and programmed by me. Used Figma for Design and Programmed with Kotlin, used Kotlin Multi Platform

Contact Me

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